Meetings of the DBD Collaboration
28-29 May, 2020 DBD Collaboration Meeting in the cloud
All times in Eastern Standard Time (of the U.S.)
6-7 September, 2019 DBD Collaboration Meeting at UNC
15 February, 2019 DBD Collaboration Meeting in the cloud
7-8 September, 2018 DBD Collaboration Meeting at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboraotory
Indico Registratoin WebSite
2-3 February, 2018 DBD Collaboration Meeting at UNC, Chapel Hill
20-21 June, 2017 DBD Collaboration Meeting at the INT
1-2 August, 2016 The inaugural meeting for the DOE topical collaboration Nuclear Theory for Double-Beta Decay and Fundamental Symmetries hosted at MSU
Workshops and conferences organized or co-organized by members of the DBD Collaboration