Shell-model coupled-cluster method for open-shell nuclei

Z. H. Sun, T. D. Morris, G. Hagen, G. R. Jansen, T. Papenbrock

Phys. Rev. C 98, 054320 (2018)

We present an approach to derive effective shell-model interactions from microscopic nuclear forces. The similarity-transformed coupled-cluster Hamiltonian decouples the single-reference state of a closed-shell nucleus and provides us with a core for the shell model. We use a second similarity transformation to decouple a shell-model space from the excluded space. We show that the three-body terms induced by both similarity transformations are crucial for an accurate computation of ground and excited states. As a proof of principle we use a nucleon-nucleon interaction from chiral effective field theory, employ a 4He core, and compute low-lying states of 6−8He and 6−8Li in p-shell model spaces. Our results agree with benchmarks from full configuration interaction.

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