Progress in generating gauge ensembles with Stabilized Wilson Fermions

Anthony Francis, Francesca Cuteri, Patrick Fritzsch, Giovanni Pederiva, Antonio Rago, Andrea Shindler, Andre Walker-Loud, Savvas Zafeiropoulos

[arXiv:arXiv [2312.11298]]

The continued generation of N_f=2+1 quark flavor gauge configurations using stabilized Wilson fermions by the open lattice initiative (OpenLat) is reported. We present the status of our ongoing production and show updates on increasing statistics at the four lattice spacings a=0.12, 0.094, 0.077 and 0.064 fm. Aside from the SU(3) flavor symmetric point we discuss advancements in going towards physical pion masses. We show preliminary results of the pion decay constants, extending previous results, and discuss further validation observables on the available ensembles.

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