We compute the muon capture on deuteron in the doublet hyperfine state for a variety of nuclear interactions and consistent nuclear currents. Our analysis includes a detailed examination of the theoretical uncertainties coming from different sources: the single-nucleon axial form factor, the truncation of the interaction and current chiral expansion, and the model dependence. Moreover, we study the impact of the use of different power counting scheme for the electroweak currents on the truncation error. To estimate the truncation error of the chiral expansion of interactions and currents we use the most modern techniques based on Bayesian analysis. This method enables us to give a clear statistical interpretation of the computed theoretical uncertainties. Finally, we provide the differential capture rate as function of the kinetic energy of the outgoing neutron which may be measured in future experiments. Our recommended theoretical value for the total doublet capture rate is Γth=395±10 s−1 (68% confidence level). We calculated also the capture rate in the quartet hyperfine state, which turns out to be in the range [13.3−13.8] s−1 depending on the adopted nuclear interaction.

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