window.MathJax = { extensions: ['tex2jax.js'], jax: ['input/TeX'], tex2jax: { // Array of pairs of strings that are to be used as in-line math delimiters inlineMath: [ ['\\(','\\)'] ], // Array of pairs of strings that are to be used as delimiters for displayed equations. displayMath: [ ['\\[','\\]'] ], // Allow nested expressions such as $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$ balanceBraces: true, // Don't process escaped symbols such as \$ processEscapes: true, // Look for LaTeX environments outside of math mode processEnvironments: true, // Process \ref{...} outside of math mode. processRefs: true, // Ignore tags whose contents should not be processed skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code"], // Ignore classes whose contents should not be processed ignoreClass: 'ignore-latex', // Class name used to mark elements whose contents should be processed processClass: 'latex' }, showProcessingMessages: false, messageStyle: 'none' };